February 03, 2013 “God’s Mercy And Your Enemies” (Romans 12:17-21)
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January 27, 2013 “Love and Life Together Part 2” (Romans 12:9-16)
January 20, 2013 “Love and Life Together” (Romans 12:9-16)
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November 18, 2012 “Gratefully Honoring One Another” (Romans 12:10)
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November 11, 2012 “The First Virtue” (Romans 12:9)
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November 04, 2012 “Serving Gifts” (Romans 12:6-8)
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October 28, 2012 “Speaking Gifts” (Romans 12:6-8)
October 21, 2012 “Charismata” (Romans 12:6-8)
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October 14, 2012 “One Body, Many Members” (Romans 12:4-5)
October 07, 2012 “Think Of Yourself” (Romans 12:3)
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September 30, 2012 “Sacrificed Bodies & Renewed Minds, Part 2” (Romans 12:1-2)
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September 23, 2012 “Sacrificed Bodies & Renewed Minds, Part 1” (Romans 12:1-2)
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September 16, 2012 “Motivated By Mercies” (Romans 12:1-21)
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