“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD.” – Psalm 78:4
In the early 1990s, through a series of providential events, the Lord brought together a group of like-minded Christians who believed God was directing them to start a new church in Cullman. One of the big things that united them was the desire for a church that taught and lived the doctrines of sovereign grace.
On the Lord’s Day, May 10, 1992, this group met for its first public worship service under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Steve Nyquist. Rented space in the downtown Stiefelmeyer Building was the location of the church in these early years.
An important step was taken on March 13, 1994 when Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church was organized as a particular church by Evangel Presbytery, becoming a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) denomination. At this meeting church officers were ordained and installed and charter members were received.
Around this time the church relocated, leasing the old Higdon Funeral Home building at 1310 St. Joseph Drive NW which had been closed. Christ Covenant called its second pastor, Rev. Andrew Siegenthaler, in November of 1996.
When the lease on the Higdon Funeral Home expired, the property owners decided to put it on the market. After much prayer and debate about the best permanent location of the church, the Lord opened the door for the purchase of this property in 1998. A few years later, the church purchased the adjoining property to the north, using the house on the property for Sunday school and the youth group. On December 4, 2006, the church dedicated a new sanctuary to the glory of God. Our current pastor, Rev. Jason Ellerbee was installed in June of 2022.
Building programs and the tenures of pastors mark important dates and eras in a church, but they do not begin to tell the true history–His Story–the work of Christ’s Spirit in this body of believers. Much of that history is invisible to all but the eyes of faith.